What is Phishing?
Phishing is when someone tries to trick you into revealing your personal information like user names, passwords, or PIN by pretending to be someone they're not. It usually happens through email, but can also happen through instant messaging or by telephone or sms Text message when someone asks you to provide or confirm your personal information.
Avoiding Phishers.
It's a good idea to open up a browser window and type in your banking website directly into the address bar of the browser instead of copying and pasting (or clicking on) links from emails. A link in an email may take you to a site that looks like your backing site, but isn't. Most banking sites won't ask you to click on links in email communications for your protection.
Change your PIN sometimes.
If you're worried that your account may have been compromised, a great step you can take right away is to log in and change your PIN. Follow these easy steps to change your PIN online:
It's okay to blow the whistle.
If you ever receive a suspicious email or call, don't provide any personal or sensitive information and get in touch with your bank immediatley to follow up on the inquiry.
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