Small Business Technology Blog

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Flight 1549, two disasters averted!

Paul Jorgensen had just come from a meeting at Goldman Sachs when he boarded US Airways Flight 1549. He sat down in seat 1A next to the window, pulled out his notebook to capture of few thoughts, then put it away and prepared for takeoff.

Seated one row behind him was Bill Wiley, also traveling for business and bringing with him as most business travelers do, a laptop computer. But he, like Jorgensen and all passengers on flight 1549 abandoned his personal belongings and focused on saving his life when the plane crash-landed into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009

Both of these men had been backing up regularly. The difference is Jorgenson backed up online with automatically using Online Backup Software and Wiley backed up his computer to a USB Memory stick.
Within 24 Hours of the crash Jorgensen had retrieved his data from online storage and was able to start working again, he took a few days off with family, but Bill Wiley lost hundreds of hours of work on both his Laptop and USB Sticks. The stories were detailed in USA Today and ComputerWorld.

In moments of disaster, those who have solid, reliable technology solutions are able to focus on other things without the fear of losing their data. At The Technology Coach, we're grateful that all passengers on Flight 1549 were in the hands of such a skillful crew and were able to return to their loved ones without any loss of life or significant injury.

If something happened to your Laptop or Desktop computer would you rather be in Paul’s shoes or Bill’s?

If your backup is just as likely to be destroyed as your computer is because the exist in the same physical space, perhaps it's time to consider other options, online backups are available for as little as $5 a month and advanced technology makes them almost fool proof to maintain once setup properly.

For a Proactive approach… Call The Technology Coach!

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