Small Business Technology Blog

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Donate your used computer and cell phone to help the people and the planet

For years clients have been asking, what do I do with my old comptuers? electronics? used equipment? I've heard rumour, that community organizations existed that recycled computers for needy families but never was able to get in touch with anyone. Recently a colleague introduced me to the Community Environment Alliance, not only do they take old computers for recycling and reuse, they also dispose of older or non-functional equipment in an environmentally way all while ensuring your private data is destroyed!

Donated equipments are refurbished to provide less privileged families with access to computers and information technology through our award winning Share-IT program.

The mandate of Share-IT program is to collect obsolete/discarded/unused computers and peripherals from household and business storages to distribute the reusable equipments to newcomers and low-income families. Unusable equipments and components are recycled in an environmentally safe way ensuring 100% diversion from landfills. By making one’s waste another’s resource, the Share-IT program aims to strengthen resource conservation and community sustainability.

As its broader goal, the program intends to bridge the digital divide between the information rich and information poor in our society, and allow all sectors of our community to have equal access to the benefits of the Information Age.

Non reusable equipments are recycled in an environmentally safe way through the Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) program. Community Environment Alliance is an OES approved Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) collector.

We are in critical need of the following items to help the community.
If you have any of the following used equipments please consider donating them to the Share-IT program to help us serve those in need.

  • 17 inch monitors
  • Hard Drives
  • Keyboards & Mice
  • Working laptops

Related Downloads

Share-IT Brochure (PDF)
E-waste Information Brochure (PDF)

Contact the Community Environment Alliance at...

Community Environment Alliance (CEA)
7-222 Advance Blvd.
Brampton ON L6T4Y7
T: 905 463 9941
CEA is committed to building a safe, healthy and sustainable future by improving the quality of community life and protecting the environment.

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