It’s no secret that I’ve never been a fan of Windows Vista. I really wanted to love it but even as a designated Microsoft Partner I couldn’t in good concious promote Vista to clients or friends.
So, what makes Windows 7 so much better that I’ve changed my tune? I’m still happy with Windows XP but I am encouraging clients to move to windows 7 when they make their next hardware upgrade, even telling some to wait a few months and get windows 7 when it becomes available. I’ve put together four reasons that may not be secret but you may not hear a lot about due to their technical nature.
MultiCore Processing When Microsoft designed Vista they saw a future in 64 bit machines. It was a reasonable assumption but they were a little ahead of the times. While x64 CPU’s are gaining in popularity the technology of cheap multiple core processors still dominates the market. MultiCore processors give you the power of multiple CPU’s within a single chip. Windows 7 doubles the number of your CPU’s.
In any modern OS there is a system that schedules which programs or processes run when and at what priority. It’s like a traffic cop inside your computer. Vista was optimized to easily handle 64 bit operations. Its traffic cop was trained to expect a lot of big Cadillac's and SUV’s to be using the data road.
The Windows 7 traffic cop understands that multiple core CPUs are still popular so it’s still ready for the SUV’s but knows in between there will be a lot of Sport cars, Smart Cars and even Motorcycles on the data roads.
If you have a dual-core, quad-core CPU you will be thrilled with the increased performance. Using Hyper Threading technology from Intel, a virtual core is created for each physical core adding yet more multiprocessing computing power.
Solid State Drives I’ve been preaching the future of Solid State Drives over many years. The simple fact is over 1/2 of all computer failures I see are hard drive related and MOST are some physical defect. Solid state drives have NO moving parts meaning life expectancy shoots way way up, and downtime, becomes almost nil.
While the prices may still be out of the reach of many, they’re continuing to come down. SSD’s are so much quicker than traditional drives which have moving parts. They’re also so much more dependable. Windows 7 understands how data is stored on Solid State Drives and is optimized to handle their unique operation.
General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit You may have noticed over the years the video cards inside your computer have grown in both size and power. As gaming and video popularity has grown computer manufactures have greatly increased graphical power. Modern video cards now have their own processors(GPU’s) and plenty of memory. Windows 7 can now take advantage of some of this processing power when it’s not being used for rendering graphics. If you have a powerful video card from NVidia or AMD(ATI) you’ll most likely benefit from this technical addition in Windows 7.
Network Startup Time Quick startup timtes on laptops has always been hampered because Microsoft has put a priority on WiFi network discovery on startup. Which means if your usual network was unavailable when you started your computer, startup time took 2-3 extra minutes. The problem was, Windows appeared to be all ready for use but it wasn’t. The cursor reverted from an hourglass to the arrow but Windows was still doing many background tasks including trying to find the default network. So while everything appeared to be ready for action, the internet was still a few minutes away from use. In most cases, you’ll notice Windows 7 will have you connected as quickly as you can load your browser, usually less than 30 seconds after you enter your login password, that'll be nice for us laptop people!
This short list of my favourite "technical" features of Windows Se7en is only a start, keep an eye on my blog for even more great business reasons Windows Se7en will be SO great! :)